Kamis, 16 Agustus 2018

Door Duisternis tot Licht

Raden Adjeng Kartini was born on April 21, 1879 inn Mayong, Java, Indonesia. Kartini used to go to a Dutch school at the age of 6 because her father working for the Dutch colonial government. Then she interested with Western ideals.

When Kartini reached adolescence, Javanase tradition dictated that she leave her Dutch school for the sheltered existence deemed approriate to a young female noble. Her father said, “My Dear, you are now 12 years old, and it’s about time you do seclusion, this is already customary. You must follow the rule.”

During the seclusion she wrote letters to her dutch friends to learn about how Europe concerning women rights as humn beings. She also ask her friends to share their experience or their opinion about women rights in their country. So the young Kartini’s mind becomes more advanced.

After doing the seclusion, she marriage with Duke Ario Singgih Djojo Adhiningrat over the choice of her parents. Her husband allowed Kartini to built a school for woman. Sadly, Kartini passed away when she was 25 years old, her last four days after giving birth. But still, she is an inspiration for all womens. Also her friend, Rosa Abendanon posted both letters during Kartini’s seclusion into a book. The title is “Door Duisternis tot Licht” which means “From the Darkness into the Light”

That was a little story about R. A. Kartini. She will always be our hero. We can learn from R. A. Kartini to never give up to defend our rights.

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